Most mornings I meet a woman on our walks. She always has a great smile, and a twinkle in her eyes as she walks around the lagoon. We started off by smiling at each other every morning, and I would say, “Hello!” earning a smile in response. But then she began to talk to me. I soon realized that talking was hard for her, her thoughts did not always line up as she would like them to. She would make a statement, and I would ask a question in response, and she would smile and walk on. When our paths crossed again on the other side of the lagoon she would sometimes have a response for me. One day she told me she was married to an Indian man and liked to cook curries. When I asked her favorite one to make she told me (on the other side) that she likes korma best. Another day she told me she had grown up in Ohio, one day she told me about some flowers she was growing (poppies and pansies) and today she whipped out her phone as she saw me coming to show me a picture of her twin sister.
I have come to really appreciate these small snatches of conversation. I love not knowing what subject will come up, and how much I will get to hear. Will it be a few words, or will she share something in excitement, and then fill in some blanks when I see her again on the opposite side of the lagoon? And maybe it will be a different subject when we see each other again. Part of what I love is that she is always so sparkly eyed and smiley! It makes my day. At times like this I wish I were so patient and generous with God. In the fast paced world I want answers now. Don’t make me wait until I meet you on the other side of the lagoon. And don’t change the subject on me. I would much rather we sat together and you could just lay it all out. What’s going to happen? How is it going to happen? When is it going to happen? What do you want from me? What can I give you? Tell me now, oh sparkly eyed Divine One! Instead I get snippets of information which leaves me feeling frustrated and trying not to worry. I think I’m going to change my attitude and see my questions and conversations with God like the ones with Barbara. Enjoying each moment and allowing them to just be what they are.
I finally picked up a book from the library that I had ordered a while ago after reading a review for it. Emergent Strategy by adrienne maree brown is a book about social justice, a book about healing, a book about transformation. I have only read the introduction so far but I think it is a book that I will have to buy so I can underline things, return to again and again; a book written from the heart and body and spirit; a book that is vital for our times of injustice and individualism as an antidote to what ails us.
The line that took my breath away and made tears stream down my face because it rang so true is, “And I think it is a healing behavior, to look at something so broken and see the possibility and wholeness in it. That’s how I work as a healer: when a body is between my hands, I let wholeness pour through.” I resonate with this so much. When I am laying hands on someone, allowing God’s energy to flow through me, I imagine the person whole, healed, full of light and love and possibility. Sometimes, people ask what I am doing when I lay hands on them, and really I just allow that energy to pour through me while I hold their wholeness in mind….. I remind the body what it was made to be like, to do…. I offer it the image of the other knee, for example, that is working right and remind it of what is meant to be. I hold an image of a person before damage was done so they can remember the innocence, the beauty, the ‘before’ picture. I listen to a voice of shame or fear and try to remind it that these are not the whole picture, but a small sliver, based on a lie. This is the only way I can imagine bringing healing to the world, for if we try to concentrate on the problem we can get so caught up in the story of what’s wrong we will not be any use to bring about a right. Being spiritually connected, I think I am much better at looking at the big picture. And not being medically trained, it doesn’t really matter what the details are in an energetic healing space. I think I would run the risk of getting so bogged down in the details that I could loose the connection to God, to Spirit, if I did anything different. But I have never thought about this when it comes to justice work. There I tend to see a problem and seek ways to fix the problem with hard work. I wonder what could happen if I saw, instead, the wholeness of a situation. The expanded view where everything is connected and intertwined and longs to work together in harmony, if only it could find its’ way back. I remember this quote when I think of these things: The moment you realize that your bones are made of the same dust of the planets, your lungs are breathing the same air as the migrating butterflies and your blood is pumping because of the love and care of thousands, is when you realize that you are not as broken as you think you are. You are full of the world.’ Unknown Be full of the world, see the wholeness and imagine the great possibilities in everything, and I believe healing will come from this place of expansion and vision. |
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